Your tax-deductible donations will support our ground-breaking work!
Donate below using our secure form. Or you may send a check (made out to Collective Resilience) to:
Inquiring Systems, Inc.
887 Sonoma Ave #23, Santa Rosa, CA 95404
If you are interested in sponsorship or partnership opportunities please contact us directly.
Here are three Collective Resilience projects your donations will help to support in 2024:
Resources, Stories and Open Source Projects
Help us to expand our online database of case studies, stories, projects and resources so that resilience hubs and spaces can share best practices and learn from each other.
Presentations, Workshops and Consulting for Frontline Communities
Help to bring low-cost resilience hubs workshops, presentations and consulting opportunities to frontline communities.
Schools as Resilience Hubs
Support research and pilot test the crucial work of developing schools as resilience hubs and spaces.
Here's what our workshop participants are saying!
“I am learning that there is a vast network of people from all sorts of backgrounds with all sorts of different skills working on resilience hubs. The workshop series was inspiring and informative – bolstering my commitment to this work. – Gregory Stevens, California Interfaith Power & Light
I learned a lot about the variety of resilience hubs and how each of them works with their community and with their various CBO partners and government affiliates. I learned about the variety of workshops and programming efforts that occur at hubs. Thanks so much for your leadership, facilitation and content development for this series! – Carli Yoro, Emerald Cities Collaborative