Check out our menu of programs to help guide resilience hubs, spaces and blocks to evolve and flourish.
We are excited to be offering a variety of offerings for different audiences, including governmental agencies, nonprofit organizations, community-based organizations and businesses. The bulk of them are in pilot testing stages, so are offered at reduced rates.
We offer presentations for sites developing as resilience hubs, and organizations and government partners wanting to support them. In-person presentations are primarily offer in the Bay Area, CA.
Recent presentations have included the California Public Utilities Commission,
Emerald Cities Collaborative and the
East Bay Permaculture Guild
Strategic Planning
We can provide both short- and long-term consulting for sites, nonprofit organizations and governmental agencies; from site assessments to asset mapping; from brainstorming about community partnerships to supporting with grant proposals and other fundraising needs.
Past work has included the City of San
Leandro, Black Cultural Zone and
East Oakland Collective.
Capacity Building Workshops
We work with partners to co-create both one-off or workshop series workshops. Past topics have included the 5 components of resilience hubs, fundraising, community visioning sessions and emergency communications.
Recent workshop series include CiViC (South Bay) and an 8-month-long workshop with 150 participants.
Research and Movement Building
What do community centers, schools, health clinics and other community-serving facilities have in common as resilience hubs? How are they unique? Our work helps to deepen the knowledge of resilience hubs as an emerging field.
Our current work includes research around schools as resilience hubs, in collaboration with StopWaste.
Funding Strategies and Fundraising
Money is flowing for community resilience programs, but much of it is inacessible for grassroots projects. Collective Resilience helps sites and organizations to find funding for resilience hubs, and is working to address equitable funding models through the Just Resilience Fund.
Network Development
We help governmental agencies and nonprofit organizations to build networks of hubs to share resources and capacity building opportunities.
Recent work has included devlopment of the the City of San Leandro’s Resilience Hubs Network.